mandag, marts 28, 2005
En enestående artikel om anvendelsen af blog i undervisning. Artiklen er i to dele - den første om selve teknologien, den anden
A Learning Blogosphere (2): The Long Tail en kvalitativ analyse af undervisningsforløbet.
Se også: Trouble in Blog-Paradise (Kommentar til første artikel - NB. der er masser af gode links i kommentarerne!)
fredag, marts 25, 2005
Artiklen kradser i blogospherelakken og tager på bedste kulturanalysevis fat i nogle af de traditionelle diskurser, som nu også 'køres af' på blogs.
Interessant på denne side er linkene til undervisere, der har bygget en blog ind i deres CV eller curriculum.
onsdag, marts 23, 2005
Stort medieslagsmål i Indien og ophavret til nyheder i blogs. Når jeg ser hvad TheIndian Express formidler (via min Bloglines/Newsreader), er det ikke underligt, at de også slås om ophavsretten til... sladder :)
mandag, marts 14, 2005
Oversigt over blog-søgemaskiner af forskellig art.
tirsdag, marts 08, 2005
giver råd til, hvorledes man bedst søger på danske Blogs.
Via e-klumme
fredag, marts 04, 2005
fredag, februar 18, 2005
torsdag, februar 17, 2005
Trods undtagelsestilstand i Nepal og lukning af telefon- og internetforbindelser blogger en anonym blogger på 'Radio Free Nepal'. En ny Salam Pax måske?
Desværre har jeg ikke hørt fra min nepalesiske veninde, Anita siden nytår. I forvejen var internetforbindelsen på universitet i Katmandu meget ustabil og heller ikke altid til rådighed for hende. Hvordan mon 'Radio Free Nepal' får sin forbindelse?
tirsdag, februar 15, 2005 | weblog | Three things I wrote ages ago on weblogs, publishing and community... og er forbavset over, hvor meget der holder - selv to år efter.......
Staying Ahead of Your Patrons With Weblogs and RSS
Esben Fjord Nielsen (e-klumme) er dog ikke helt overbevist om fordelene og skriver:
Resultatet er på sin vis meget godt, men bortset fra RSS-feed'et er det svært at gennemskue, hvad fordelen ved at bruge en weblog i stedet for Powerpoint skulle være. For det første er det alt andet lige sværere at sætte en weblog op som præsentationsværktøj og for det andet mangler der en hel del funktioner, understøttelse af billeder m.v. i en weblog. Ting, der gør brugen af Powerpoint mere velegnet til at lave præsentationer trods alt.
De er i alt fald ikke gavmilde med materiale fra konferencen som de to BlogTalk konferencen. Dog er der en omfattende 'Blog Business Summit List o’ Links', som det er interessant at tjekke ud.
søndag, februar 13, 2005
Gauntlett, David: 'Media, Gender and Identity. An introduction.' Routhledge, 2002, p. 10
SmartMobs anmelder sitet med disse ord:
Sites at are selected by more than popularity. DeepBlogger Michael investigates every site for content, insight, fascination, uniqueness, and usability in order to highlight quality sites for your quality time.
onsdag, februar 09, 2005
lørdag, februar 05, 2005
the chutry experiment, Blog Talk med links til en mængde konkrete eksempler:
Rhetoric and Democracy : Blog Talk: I'm Already Running Out of Good Titles
Writing to the Moment
English 1102 Course Blog
GT North Korea
World Police
Interessant materiale om Blogs i undervisning. Se specielt linket nederst: graduate student seminar paper
Det er f.eks. tankevækkende at læse:
At this point in time, I was a business major uninterested in reading and writing, much less in critical thinking or exploration within the humanities. I simply wanted a college degree so that I could begin working full-time. Blogging changed all of this.
og fortsættelsen er ikke mindre interessant......
tirsdag, februar 01, 2005
mandag, januar 31, 2005
Mena's Corner: Six Apart Redesign Coming: "Six Apart Redesign Coming
Later this week, we'll be unveiling a new redesign of the various Six Apart websites (Movable Type, TypePad and Six Apart corporate site). Hopefully, the changes that have been made will convey our desire to present all of Six Apart's websites in a cohesive and standard way. We've worked with the folks at Mule Design to make this redesign possible and, I think, you'll be happy with the results."
søndag, januar 30, 2005
Response to "Mommy (and Me)" | CultureCat: "Response to 'Mommy (and Me)'
Via Prof. B., I see that the New York Times story on parents' weblogs has been published. I'm dismayed but not all that surprised with what's in there, and I'll tell you why."
fredag, januar 28, 2005
Den femte brugerafstemning om The Bloggies™ Weblog Award
Se også Bloggie, bloggie, bloggie, bloggie etc.
Tom Coates ( beretter om glæden ved (igen) at være nomineret og anbefaler en antal blogs fra forskellige kategorier.
tony pierce, busblog: How to blog skal have min stemme for Best Article or Essay About Weblogs!
onsdag, januar 26, 2005
World Economic Forum - Welcome to the Blogopolis
By providing highly personalized, real-time political information, blogging is reshaping how citizens make political decisions, for good and ill. 1) When do bloggers provide better information and analysis than conventional media? 2) Are bloggers effective media watchdogs? 3) Can bloggers be a positive political tool, and not just a threat to the powers that be? 4) What is the relationship between bloggers and democratic values?
Et blogprojekt som ved hjælp af Technorati's tag system opbygger et socialt system, hvor bloggeres fortællinger om 10 geografiske steder, de selv vælger, knyttes sammen.
Fantastisk inspiration til sociale blog-projekter. Jeg får øjeblikkeligt ideer til adskillige, som kunne være interessante i undervisningssamenhæng.......
mandag, januar 24, 2005
torsdag, januar 20, 2005
Like It or Not, Blogs Have Legs Wired News.
Ifølge PubSub er der nu 8 mill. blogs
onsdag, januar 19, 2005
Working Together Against Blog Spam
Yahoo! Search Blog
Mere om commentspam:
tirsdag, januar 18, 2005
The Internet Stock Blog: Yahoo to acquire Six Apart?: "Yahoo to acquire Six Apart?
Six Apart, the owner of hosted blogging service TypePad and publisher of blogging software Movable Type, just acquired LiveJournal. Within six months Six Apart itself will be acquired by Yahoo!."
The blogospere vil nok hoppe i stolen over artiklens begrundelse for gættet:
"Because the blogging platforms are the largest generators of new Web content, they are a natural target for the providers of PPC ads. Many bloggers dislike the notion of advertising on blogs, but they're in for a shock. Blogger, TypePad, LiveJournal and the other blogging platforms will make it much easier for Web publishers to profit from ads. They'll build contextual ads into Web site templates, and use the publishers' sign-up information to open simultaneous advertising accounts."
lørdag, januar 15, 2005
Temporarily Unavailable
LiveJournal is currently down due to a massive power failure at our data center. We'll provide updates at /powerloss/ as they're available.
Our data center (Internap, the same one we've been at for many years) lost all its power, including redundant backup power, for some unknown reason. (unknown to us, at least) We're currently dealing with verifying the correct operation of our 100+ servers. Not fun. We're not happy about this. Sorry... :-/ More details later.
fredag, januar 14, 2005
torsdag, januar 13, 2005
Flere 'klassiske tekster', men også en del konkrete eksempler. F.eks. et link til Wiki In Education, et indholdsrigt site.
Se også LITA (The Library and Information Technology Association) om Top Technology Trends.
onsdag, januar 12, 2005
En fin, lille annoteret bibliografi om Weblogs og Blogging med fokus på Biblioteks- og bibliotekarblogs.
tirsdag, januar 11, 2005
Så nåede Spam bloggospheren.
Nogen tager det meget alvorligt CommentSpam,
På Services siden ligger to - hm, døde - links til lister og spammeres IP adresser.
Nogen er meget, meget sure, Attention Comment Spammers
Commentspam findes i forskellige genrer ifølge Concerning SpamComment Spam Manifesto
Mange skriver meget: En Google liste om Commentspam
Baggrunden er Googles Ranking system, så Google får også et par rituelle hak: Wired, 12.03.04
Bortset fra irritationen og belastede servere er bekymringen også betydningen for kommunikation:
"Howard Rheingold, a futurist who predicts always-on communication will revolutionize public discourse, is worried that all these new forms of spam could freeze the revolution in its tracks. There will be no great social transformation if cell phones are turned off, instant messenger programs shut down or blog comments disabled to halt the flow of offers for online porn or cheap drugs.
“It forces you to either turn off the comments and lose some of the value of the medium, or spend your time deleting spam,” said Rheingold, who runs his own blog." (Spammers now clogging blogs, IM, Personal Web journals grow cell phones, instant messages)
Og så er der da også afballancerede meninger: Comment spam arms race
mandag, januar 10, 2005
Friends in Iran, journalists and technicians, are saying that judiciary officials have ordered all major ISP to filter all blogging services including PersianBlog, BlogSpot, Blogger, BlogSky, and even BlogRolling.
They have also ordered to filter Orkut, Yahoo Personals and some other popular dating and social networking websites."
en konkurrence om bedste indiske blogs :)
lørdag, januar 08, 2005
- kontrolfreaks på arbejde.... igen!
Whatever happened to serendipity?
Kommentar til Jonathan Abrams' beskrivelse af Friendster som services som "proactively influence serendipity."
Serendipity and Self-Selection with Social Software - The Social Software Weblog - "Serendipity and Self-Selection with Social Software"
Mens jeg er tilbøjelig til at give Judith Meskill (thesocialwareblog) ret i hendes skepsis overfor det proaktive, synes jeg nu ikke begrebet serendipity står helt klart i Judith Meskills kommentar. Ligesom serendipity næppe kan 'proaktiveres frem', kan det vel heller ikke siges at Google/ensøgemaskine er 'serendipity værktøj', men blot et værktøj, hvor - under brug af hvilket - serendipity kan forekomme.
WebMink: "Threads of Conversation
Tim has added tracking 'bubblets' to his blog, and Boing Boing may have started a trend by adding Technorati searches for each article. - Dave has added them to his blog and to PlanetSun for example."
fredag, januar 07, 2005
torsdag, januar 06, 2005
Conversations with Dina foreslår en sammenligning af Technorati og Feedster og PubSub
Six Apart køber LiveJournal. Brad Fitzpatrick gør i sandhed, hvad han kan for at imødegå de bekymringer, der har huseret blandt LJ'erne de sidste dage. Mens bekymringerne rettede sig mod kulturen, er forsvaret rettet mod trust. En eksemplarisk case om to af nettets store buzzword.
NB. den enorme diskussion, Brad Fitzpatrick' annnouncement affødte på sitet!
Mena (Six Apart) har også i Mena's Corner et langt indlæg om handlen. Hun omtaler eksplicit hierarkiet og fordommene bloggerne imellem, men hun har jo også erfaring med, hvilke konflikter, der hurtigt kan hvirvles op i det miljø...... (Mena's Shocking Baby Scandal! I, II)
Også Mena ved præcis, hvad Branding and Affiliation is all about in the times of Risk Society: Earning Your Trust
"Change is scary and we can certainly expect LiveJournalers to worry about what this acquisition means for them. While we certainly can't just say "trust us" and gain all 5.6 million users' trust from day one..."
onsdag, januar 05, 2005
"I'd love to do a content analysis of major mass media outlet coverage of blogs and bloggers over the past couple of years - what is the non-blogging public hearing about blogs?"
Hvem kommer først? :)
Rygterne fortæller at Six Apart er i færd med at købe Live Journal:
Om Malik on Broadband - Six Apart to buy Live Journal
apophenia er ikke begejstret og begrundelsen er ret interessant:
"Live Journal is a culture, not simply a product or commodity that can be bought. From an outsider's perspective, it might appear as though they are similar properties - they are both blogging tools, right? Wrong. [......] Movable Type is a product; LiveJournal is a community. Six Apart is seen as a community that provides tools, not culture. [.....]While many bloggers love to talk about LJ with disdain, as a low-brow version of the culture, i adore LJ from the bottom of my heart and i'm truly concerned that LJ's culture will be corrupted by an acquisition. It is not like any other blogging service and the needs that it serves are fundamentally different."
Om LJ, se.....
tirsdag, januar 04, 2005
Americans are becoming avid blog readers, with 32 million getting hooked in 2004, according to new research.
The survey, conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, showed that blog readership has shot up by 58% in the last year.
Endnu en interessant rapport fra Pew Internet/American Life Project!
Tja.... har man mistet formuen på krisen, kan man måske hente dem hjem igen på karusellen ;)
Måske skulle jeg se at få skiftet min sørgelige chat ud........
lørdag, januar 01, 2005
se også artiklen om metadata: Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata samt
Delicious (social bookmarks manager)
Flickr (photo management and sharing web application)
Og debatten om Metadata, der udvikler sig i Blogospheren:
Flickr and "folksonomies"
Mob indexing? Folk categorization? Social tagging?
Mere om Wikipedia på Many 2 Many, January 04, 2005:
Reagle on the Wikipedia (posted by Clay Shirky) og Academia and Wikipedia (posted by danah boyd) og January 05, 2005 samme sted.
fredag, december 31, 2004
Ny Internet undersøgelse i USA.
New York Times On the Web skriver
Selve undersøgelsen ligger på SIQSS
torsdag, december 30, 2004
se også bloggen af 'Scarlet Pimpernel', motovejsaktivist og blogger:
FreewayBlogger Weblog
onsdag, december 29, 2004
indeholder mange interessante link (se f.eks. Clippings) - via den kom jeg f.eks. til Blogwise
The Daypop Top 40 is a list of links that are currently popular with webloggers from around the world. Check out the Daypop Top News Stories for the top news articles of the day. The Daypop Top Word Bursts is an indicator of current events of interest that are not usually accompanied by links. If you want to follow the conversations happening specifically in the blogging world, the Daypop Top Posts page is your best bet. If you want to know what the buzz was last year, check out the Daypop Archives."
tirsdag, december 28, 2004
Why There's No Escaping the Blog
Freewheeling bloggers can boost your product—or destroy it. Either way, they've become a force business can't afford to ignore.
"According to blog search-engine and measurement firm Technorati, 23,000 new weblogs are created every day—or about one every three seconds."
Til sammenligning blev der i 2003 solgt 3 Barbiedukker hvert sekund :)
Reklamer og 'the blogging ecosystem'
Se f.eks. Intelliseek Marketing BlogPulse og blogwebinar og
Manolo blogger med Blogger!
Special treat til den moderne forbruger (og fans af 'Sex and the City'): i tilfælde af mangel på en P(ersonal)S(hopper), så læs Manolo's shopping råd, Manolo's Shoe Blog eller "Talk to Manolo":
"Manolo says, the Manolo and his readers they are indeed the setters of the fashion trends." - "Manolo says, the fashion mania for the poncho, it is now over." Uundværlig viden i my home town, hvis strikkebutikker alle lige nu er ramt af ponchoen ;), så jeg har selvfølgelig straks e-mailet Manolo og bedt ham tilføje en RSS feed til bloggen - Manolo's blog er et must i min 'Bloglines' :)
The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami
se også:
Conversations with Dina og Wikipedia.
‘Blogs' give first-person accounts of disaster
søndag, december 26, 2004
How to Recognize The Future When It Lands On You, Technologies of Cooperation
Posted by Gerrit Visser at 09:08 AM
According to the free encyclopedia Wikipedia Folksonomy is a neologism for a practice of collaborative categorization using simple tags in a flat namespace.
This feature has begun appearing in a variety of social software. At present, the best examples of online folksonomies are social bookmarking probably, a bookmark sharing site, and Flickr, for photo sharing. Gmail's labeling system is somewhat similar to the use of tags, but it is not a folksonomy because users cannot share their categorizations. Folksonomy is related to the concept of faceted classification from library science.
Denham Grey writes on KM Knowdlege Tools that there is a growing interest in social classification and its relation to ontology development."
onsdag, december 22, 2004
My favorite weblogs of 2004 (
Om nr. 1 på listen skriver Jason Kottle:
Flickr is the most fun on the web right now. Period. It's the closest thing I've experienced online to hanging out with your friends at the coffeeshop.
En anden 'Blog of the Year' liste.
Google 2004 Zeitgeist: Search patterns, trends, and surprises
One Path to the Blog
An Odyssey in Tracking and Sharing Technology with the Online Higher Education Community
By Ray Schroeder, Professor Emeritus/Director of Technology-Enhanced Learning, University of Illinois at Springfield"
NB. Se links i slutningen af essayet
tirsdag, december 21, 2004
- tanker om blogging med undergraduates.
Crooked Timber: "As I prepare for my upcoming undergraduate class in which students will be required to maintain blogs, I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about how to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). According to FERPA, I have to make sure that certain details about student enrollment in my classes are kept private. In the process, I have realized that this is a one-way street. There is nothing preventing my students from blogging whatever information they decide about me. Of course, social sanctions may still exist. Students may decide it is not worth upsetting their instructor through such practices. Nonetheless, there will be plenty of opportunities for blogging things after class is over. Moreover, they may have individual blogs not associated with the class that are written anonymously and can serve as an outlet for commentary about others."
Mingler - et online socialt netværk. Mød dine venners venner: "Et online socialt netværk, hvor du kan pleje og nyde dine personlige relationer.
Find venners venner. Skaf info. Connect med kolleger.
Søg job. Flirt. Få en oplevelse.
Å b n e r f o r å r e t 2 0 0 5 "
mandag, december 20, 2004 website info: "People who visit this page also visit:
* Crooked Timber - Site info
* Burningbird - Site info
* The Chutry Experiment - Site info
* Invisible Adjunct - Site info
* Mortensen, Torill - Site info
* Elearnspace Blog - Site info"
søndag, december 19, 2004
The New York Times > Magazine > Phenomenon: Your Blog or Mine?: "Your Blog or Mine?
Published: December 19, 2004
One of the first sex scandals of the blogosphere ended, of course, in a book deal. In May, Ana Marie Cox, the Internet gossip whose Web log, Wonkette, focuses on Washington, published a link to another blogger who called herself the Washingtonienne. In the blog, Washingtonienne, a Capitol Hill employee, used a Senate computer to post intimate details about her experience sleeping with six different men, some of whom were paying for her favors. "
- Sarah Lohnes
A new, easy-to-use web publishing tool known as a weblog allows users to publish content to the web from their browsers, providing users with an unprecedented ability to participate in the internet community. In the true liberal arts tradition, teachers and students are using these tools to effectively break down the walls of the classroom, integrating teaching and learning with local and virtual communities."
I am teaching an undergraduate class this Winter called “Internet and Society”. [1] I am going to require each student to maintain his/her own blog. This poses some challenges from keeping up with the amount of written material to assuring a certain level of privacy for students (as per related federal laws). I still have a few weeks to think about the specifics and thought would see what experiences and wisdom others may have accumulated in this realm.
Welcome to the discussion and announcement site for Dr. Chuck Tryon's English 1101 courses at Georgia Tech. Class discussion will focus on the langauge and images used in political campaigns, focusing primarily on the 2004 presidential election. Visitors are welcome to leave comments and participate in the discussion."
My talk at Brown today is titled 'Weblogs: Learning to Write in the Network' and is going to be mostly about using blogs with students. I'm going to stress network literacy and how blogging is not simply keeping an electronic journal, it's distributed and collaborative; it's learning to think and write with the network. I'll also talk a bit about the ethics of insisting students blog in public."
Ethnographic investigations of « ordinary blogs and bloggers» by B. Nardi, D.J. Schiano, M. Gumbrecht and L. Swartz provide insight into the practices, experiences and motivations of individuals and groups who publish a blog for a small audience.
lørdag, december 18, 2004
The goal of this paper is to reveal tensions underlying conceptualizations
First, I introduce how metaphorical constructions of blogging are being
limiting research on blogging by obfuscating an understanding of
Ong’s ‘secondary orality’ to discuss how blogging complicates
orality and textuality. Additionally, I discuss other dichotomous moves
blogging such as spatiality and corporeality, artifact and practice,
depictions of their practices to shed light on the tensions in each.
onsdag, december 15, 2004
Kirsten Hofset skriver på (en webavis der skrives af læserne og læses af skribenterne. Danmarks første open source-avis)
"Dagbladene har taget bloggerbegrebet til sig. Det der startede som et undergrundspip på nettet, erkendes nu af flere dagblade som et magtfuldt medie. Og nu forsøger de at kopiere det."
mandag, december 13, 2004
fredag, december 10, 2004
A Paintingblog by Duane Keiser... Some of the first few are older pieces (I was testing my posting process etc.) From 12/11/2004 I will be painting/posting a new painting everyday."
I am a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I am researching ethics in the blogosphere, and I am using this blog to gather the opinions and insights of active bloggers. I invite you to answer the following questions by publicly posting your comments or by e-mailing me at mgkuhn at email dot unc dot edu."
torsdag, december 09, 2004
Blog noun [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer"
søndag, december 05, 2004
(Friday, December 03, 2004)
On the use of time for blogging
The most asked question when I speak to people who don't blog, is where I get the time to do it.
In Umea we discussed time consumption and listed a number of time-consuming factors. Time is needed:
* To get used to the tools
* To grow a network
* To get into action with others
* To grow trust
* For getting to know and find useful (re)sources
* To find your voice (for yourself, for others)"
This seems like a list of things that apply to a lot more situations than just blogging.
En tankevækkende tekst, som peger på det væsentlige forhold, at blogging og netværk ikke bare opstår i løbet af no time. Det skal læres og dyrkes.
How Smart Companies Use Blogs for Marketing and PR Success and How You Can Too"
lørdag, december 04, 2004
Artikler, event og resourcer.
fredag, december 03, 2004
Using my existing MSN Passport account, I attempted to create a number of blogs, one after the other. The results of which titles passed and which were banned may surprise you -- or at least generate a few Beavis-and-Butthead snorkles. Each of the linked test-titles in this BoingBoing post points to to an actual, unmodified screenshot of the corresponding test blog I created (or was denied the ability to create) using MSN Search."
onsdag, december 01, 2004
HUM 202"
Cybersociology author Howard Rheingold and Andrea Saveri, a director at the Institute for the Future, have teamed up to host a course at Stanford University that will undoubtedly be incredibly engaging. The course, Toward A Literacy of Cooperation, is open to public enrollment and kicks off January 5. Howard and Andrea have lined up a dynamite list of guest speakers including Paul Hartzog, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, and Ross Mayfield of SocialText.
We are currently having the reader built by the Stanford Bookstore. Look for a list of readings on the site later this week.
(19:00 24 November 04, Special Report from New Scientist Print Edition.)
It took a chance online encounter between a software engineer from Shanghai and a teacher in a remote province of China to start shaking up the power balance between the people and the government of the world’s most populous nation.
In August 2002, Isaac Mao, who worked at the Shanghai office of the chip maker Intel, was one of only a handful of people in China who had heard the word “blog”. A regular web surfer, he was fascinated by the freedom these online journals gave to ordinary people to publish both their own and their readers’ views online.
Surfing the US website, Mao was thrilled to find Zheng Yunsheng, a teacher at a technical school in Fujian province. He left a message on Zheng’s blog, and two weeks later Mao and Zheng started, China’s first online discussion forum about blogging technology and culture.
They soon gathered a small but devoted group of participants, many of whom went on to develop the technology that makes blogging possible for China’s half-a-million bloggers.