tirsdag, december 28, 2004

Bloggers: Nobodies with laptops - karakteristik af den moderne forbruger?
Why There's No Escaping the Blog
Freewheeling bloggers can boost your product—or destroy it. Either way, they've become a force business can't afford to ignore.

"According to blog search-engine and measurement firm Technorati, 23,000 new weblogs are created every day—or about one every three seconds."
Til sammenligning blev der i 2003 solgt 3 Barbiedukker hvert sekund :)

Reklamer og 'the blogging ecosystem'
Se f.eks. Intelliseek Marketing BlogPulse og blogwebinar og

Manolo blogger med Blogger!
Special treat til den moderne forbruger (og fans af 'Sex and the City'): i tilfælde af mangel på en P(ersonal)S(hopper), så læs Manolo's shopping råd, Manolo's Shoe Blog eller "Talk to Manolo": manoloshoes@hotmail.com.
"Manolo says, the Manolo and his readers they are indeed the setters of the fashion trends." - "Manolo says, the fashion mania for the poncho, it is now over." Uundværlig viden i my home town, hvis strikkebutikker alle lige nu er ramt af ponchoen ;), så jeg har selvfølgelig straks e-mailet Manolo og bedt ham tilføje en RSS feed til bloggen - Manolo's blog er et must i min 'Bloglines' :)

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