onsdag, januar 05, 2005

Bloggerne fusionere. The 'Tribes' protesterer.
Rygterne fortæller at Six Apart er i færd med at købe Live Journal:
Om Malik on Broadband - Six Apart to buy Live Journal
apophenia er ikke begejstret og begrundelsen er ret interessant:

"Live Journal is a culture, not simply a product or commodity that can be bought. From an outsider's perspective, it might appear as though they are similar properties - they are both blogging tools, right? Wrong. [......] Movable Type is a product; LiveJournal is a community. Six Apart is seen as a community that provides tools, not culture. [.....]While many bloggers love to talk about LJ with disdain, as a low-brow version of the culture, i adore LJ from the bottom of my heart and i'm truly concerned that LJ's culture will be corrupted by an acquisition. It is not like any other blogging service and the needs that it serves are fundamentally different."

Om LJ, se.....

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