fredag, september 24, 2004

Kære Niels
Jeg mente ikke, at folk skulle sende emails - til dig/alle altså....

Det, jeg efterlyste, var en funktion i det vidensdelingssytem Kodefabrikken har lavet, der gør det muligt at sende emails fra eget postsystem til vidensdelingssystemet.
Dette indlæg har jeg f.eks. skrevet i et postprogram (Inotes). Derefter har jeg sendt det til min blog (den side, du nu sidder og ser på).

Fordelen er, at 'brugeren' anvender kendt teknologi (email), i stedet for at skulle have logins osv. til et nyt system. Forskellen fra mailen er, at indlæg er 'sorteret' idet den ligger på hjemmesiden i stedet for at rode rundt i deltagernes postsystemer.

Smart ikke?

Kærlig hilsen Lis

lørdag, september 11, 2004

Into the Blogosphere: "This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others. We encourage you to post your responses to the essays"

fredag, september 10, 2004

Blogger Knowledge
Just ask Lynne Truss, the author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. A self-described stickler for punctuation, she despairs at the misplaced apostrophe, the erroneous colon, the dangling comma — all of which are far too commonplace on the internet, where the motto seems to be: Faster, Blogger! Kill! Kill! Kill!