søndag, december 26, 2004
How to Recognize The Future When It Lands On You, Technologies of Cooperation
Posted by Gerrit Visser at 09:08 AM
According to the free encyclopedia Wikipedia Folksonomy is a neologism for a practice of collaborative categorization using simple tags in a flat namespace.
This feature has begun appearing in a variety of social software. At present, the best examples of online folksonomies are social bookmarking probably del.icio.us, a bookmark sharing site, and Flickr, for photo sharing. Gmail's labeling system is somewhat similar to the use of tags, but it is not a folksonomy because users cannot share their categorizations. Folksonomy is related to the concept of faceted classification from library science.
Denham Grey writes on KM Knowdlege Tools that there is a growing interest in social classification and its relation to ontology development."
onsdag, december 22, 2004
My favorite weblogs of 2004 (kottke.org)
Om nr. 1 på listen skriver Jason Kottle:
Flickr is the most fun on the web right now. Period. It's the closest thing I've experienced online to hanging out with your friends at the coffeeshop.
En anden 'Blog of the Year' liste.
Google 2004 Zeitgeist: Search patterns, trends, and surprises
One Path to the Blog
An Odyssey in Tracking and Sharing Technology with the Online Higher Education Community
By Ray Schroeder, Professor Emeritus/Director of Technology-Enhanced Learning, University of Illinois at Springfield"
NB. Se links i slutningen af essayet
tirsdag, december 21, 2004
- tanker om blogging med undergraduates.
Crooked Timber: "As I prepare for my upcoming undergraduate class in which students will be required to maintain blogs, I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about how to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). According to FERPA, I have to make sure that certain details about student enrollment in my classes are kept private. In the process, I have realized that this is a one-way street. There is nothing preventing my students from blogging whatever information they decide about me. Of course, social sanctions may still exist. Students may decide it is not worth upsetting their instructor through such practices. Nonetheless, there will be plenty of opportunities for blogging things after class is over. Moreover, they may have individual blogs not associated with the class that are written anonymously and can serve as an outlet for commentary about others."
Mingler - et online socialt netværk. Mød dine venners venner: "Et online socialt netværk, hvor du kan pleje og nyde dine personlige relationer.
Find venners venner. Skaf info. Connect med kolleger.
Søg job. Flirt. Få en oplevelse.
Å b n e r f o r å r e t 2 0 0 5 "
mandag, december 20, 2004
Amazon.com: website info: culturecat.net/: "People who visit this page also visit:
* Crooked Timber www.crookedtimber.org - Site info
* Burningbird weblog.burningbird.net - Site info
* The Chutry Experiment chutry.wordherders.net - Site info
* Invisible Adjunct www.invisibleadjunct.com - Site info
* Mortensen, Torill torillsin.blogspot.com - Site info
* Elearnspace Blog www.elearnspace.org/blog - Site info"
søndag, december 19, 2004
The New York Times > Magazine > Phenomenon: Your Blog or Mine?: "Your Blog or Mine?
Published: December 19, 2004
One of the first sex scandals of the blogosphere ended, of course, in a book deal. In May, Ana Marie Cox, the Internet gossip whose Web log, Wonkette, focuses on Washington, published a link to another blogger who called herself the Washingtonienne. In the blog, Washingtonienne, a Capitol Hill employee, used a Senate computer to post intimate details about her experience sleeping with six different men, some of whom were paying for her favors. "
- Sarah Lohnes
A new, easy-to-use web publishing tool known as a weblog allows users to publish content to the web from their browsers, providing users with an unprecedented ability to participate in the internet community. In the true liberal arts tradition, teachers and students are using these tools to effectively break down the walls of the classroom, integrating teaching and learning with local and virtual communities."
I am teaching an undergraduate class this Winter called “Internet and Society”. [1] I am going to require each student to maintain his/her own blog. This poses some challenges from keeping up with the amount of written material to assuring a certain level of privacy for students (as per related federal laws). I still have a few weeks to think about the specifics and thought would see what experiences and wisdom others may have accumulated in this realm.
Welcome to the discussion and announcement site for Dr. Chuck Tryon's English 1101 courses at Georgia Tech. Class discussion will focus on the langauge and images used in political campaigns, focusing primarily on the 2004 presidential election. Visitors are welcome to leave comments and participate in the discussion."
My talk at Brown today is titled 'Weblogs: Learning to Write in the Network' and is going to be mostly about using blogs with students. I'm going to stress network literacy and how blogging is not simply keeping an electronic journal, it's distributed and collaborative; it's learning to think and write with the network. I'll also talk a bit about the ethics of insisting students blog in public."
Ethnographic investigations of « ordinary blogs and bloggers» by B. Nardi, D.J. Schiano, M. Gumbrecht and L. Swartz provide insight into the practices, experiences and motivations of individuals and groups who publish a blog for a small audience.
lørdag, december 18, 2004
The goal of this paper is to reveal tensions underlying conceptualizations
First, I introduce how metaphorical constructions of blogging are being
limiting research on blogging by obfuscating an understanding of
Ong’s ‘secondary orality’ to discuss how blogging complicates
orality and textuality. Additionally, I discuss other dichotomous moves
blogging such as spatiality and corporeality, artifact and practice,
depictions of their practices to shed light on the tensions in each.
onsdag, december 15, 2004
Kirsten Hofset skriver på Flix.dk (en webavis der skrives af læserne og læses af skribenterne. Danmarks første open source-avis)
"Dagbladene har taget bloggerbegrebet til sig. Det der startede som et undergrundspip på nettet, erkendes nu af flere dagblade som et magtfuldt medie. Og nu forsøger de at kopiere det."
mandag, december 13, 2004
fredag, december 10, 2004
A Paintingblog by Duane Keiser... Some of the first few are older pieces (I was testing my posting process etc.) From 12/11/2004 I will be painting/posting a new painting everyday."
I am a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I am researching ethics in the blogosphere, and I am using this blog to gather the opinions and insights of active bloggers. I invite you to answer the following questions by publicly posting your comments or by e-mailing me at mgkuhn at email dot unc dot edu."
torsdag, december 09, 2004
Blog noun [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer"
søndag, december 05, 2004
(Friday, December 03, 2004)
On the use of time for blogging
The most asked question when I speak to people who don't blog, is where I get the time to do it.
In Umea we discussed time consumption and listed a number of time-consuming factors. Time is needed:
* To get used to the tools
* To grow a network
* To get into action with others
* To grow trust
* For getting to know and find useful (re)sources
* To find your voice (for yourself, for others)"
This seems like a list of things that apply to a lot more situations than just blogging.
En tankevækkende tekst, som peger på det væsentlige forhold, at blogging og netværk ikke bare opstår i løbet af no time. Det skal læres og dyrkes.
How Smart Companies Use Blogs for Marketing and PR Success and How You Can Too"
lørdag, december 04, 2004
Artikler, event og resourcer.
fredag, december 03, 2004
Using my existing MSN Passport account, I attempted to create a number of blogs, one after the other. The results of which titles passed and which were banned may surprise you -- or at least generate a few Beavis-and-Butthead snorkles. Each of the linked test-titles in this BoingBoing post points to to an actual, unmodified screenshot of the corresponding test blog I created (or was denied the ability to create) using MSN Search."
onsdag, december 01, 2004
HUM 202"
Cybersociology author Howard Rheingold and Andrea Saveri, a director at the Institute for the Future, have teamed up to host a course at Stanford University that will undoubtedly be incredibly engaging. The course, Toward A Literacy of Cooperation, is open to public enrollment and kicks off January 5. Howard and Andrea have lined up a dynamite list of guest speakers including Paul Hartzog, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, and Ross Mayfield of SocialText.
We are currently having the reader built by the Stanford Bookstore. Look for a list of readings on the site later this week.
(19:00 24 November 04, Special Report from New Scientist Print Edition.)
It took a chance online encounter between a software engineer from Shanghai and a teacher in a remote province of China to start shaking up the power balance between the people and the government of the world’s most populous nation.
In August 2002, Isaac Mao, who worked at the Shanghai office of the chip maker Intel, was one of only a handful of people in China who had heard the word “blog”. A regular web surfer, he was fascinated by the freedom these online journals gave to ordinary people to publish both their own and their readers’ views online.
Surfing the US website blogger.com, Mao was thrilled to find Zheng Yunsheng, a teacher at a technical school in Fujian province. He left a message on Zheng’s blog, and two weeks later Mao and Zheng started CNBlog.org, China’s first online discussion forum about blogging technology and culture.
They soon gathered a small but devoted group of participants, many of whom went on to develop the technology that makes blogging possible for China’s half-a-million bloggers.
mandag, november 29, 2004
Blogs and content aggregators are lead players in a new generation of tools that promise greater ability to create, distribute, and access Web content. The two also happen to have a symbiotic relationship: Blogs make content creation more accessible, and aggregators give greater control to readers of the ongoing proliferation of Web-based content. These tools are gaining attention in the media and the marketplace and hold great promise to transform the way the Web works. They are also starting to make inroads within corporations as collaborative and content management tools that can be used in conjunction with existing systems or as replacements.
Kort (dansk) introduktion til blogger.com
En fantastisk islandsk linksamlig (inkl. weblog tools)
mandag, november 15, 2004
Social Computing Group Home: "Overview
Our mission in the Social Computing Group is to research and develop software that contributes to compelling and effective social interactions, with a focus on user-centered design processes and rapid prototyping.
Our work includes the Sapphire project, sharing, mobile applications, trust and reputation, collaboration, and story telling. To facilitate the rapid prototyping, we also have an online lab for running studies to evaluate our social user interfaces. "
fredag, november 12, 2004
WritingBlogs is intended to be a creative community for students in college-level writing classes and writing instructors - materiale til de studerende om Blogs/logbøger.
onsdag, oktober 27, 2004
torsdag, oktober 21, 2004
adaptive path ' san francisco ' redesigning blogger: "Join us in San Francisco for this brand new one-day workshop where we'll teach you how to keep your design focused through growth and redesign, how to approach a major redesign project, and much more!"
torsdag, oktober 14, 2004
I've just come back to the office after a truly inspiring talk given by Scott Rettberg. He presented some of his innovative e-literature projects, among them the hypertext narrative The Unkown and the serial email novel Kind of Blue. Experimentation, collaboration and the joy and enthusiasm of writing are prominent traits of his works. "
Indlæg i GameBlog, Carsten
mandag, oktober 11, 2004
Af Af Jesper Lau Hansen Professor, dr.jur., Det juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
En blogger er en person, der fører en web log - en side på internettet med kommentarer, som alle kan se. Blogs kan handle om alt, og mange har karakter af nyhedsdækning ofte med en klar politisk vinkel. I nogle tilfælde er deres dækning mere kildekritisk og alsidig end de traditionelle mediers."
Fra Berlingske Tidende lørdag den 25. september 2004
fredag, oktober 01, 2004
fredag, september 24, 2004
Jeg mente ikke, at folk skulle sende emails - til dig/alle altså....
Det, jeg efterlyste, var en funktion i det vidensdelingssytem Kodefabrikken har lavet, der gør det muligt at sende emails fra eget postsystem til vidensdelingssystemet.
Dette indlæg har jeg f.eks. skrevet i et postprogram (Inotes). Derefter har jeg sendt det til min blog (den side, du nu sidder og ser på).
Fordelen er, at 'brugeren' anvender kendt teknologi (email), i stedet for at skulle have logins osv. til et nyt system. Forskellen fra mailen er, at indlæg er 'sorteret' idet den ligger på hjemmesiden i stedet for at rode rundt i deltagernes postsystemer.
Smart ikke?
Kærlig hilsen Lis
lørdag, september 11, 2004
fredag, september 10, 2004
Just ask Lynne Truss, the author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. A self-described stickler for punctuation, she despairs at the misplaced apostrophe, the erroneous colon, the dangling comma — all of which are far too commonplace on the internet, where the motto seems to be: Faster, Blogger! Kill! Kill! Kill!
lørdag, juli 17, 2004
From the email Newsletter:
If you haven't checked out the latest Blogger Knowledge articles, you really should have a look-see. It's not just how-to stuff. We have articles about dating, sports, hacking, and even one called "The Wisdom of Blogs." They're not all written by me in case your wondering (or in case you think I am a stupid dork-face). There are articles by Jennifer Garrett, Rebecca Blood, Graham Waldon, Eric Case, and yes, yours truly: stupid dork-face.
søndag, juli 11, 2004
This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others.
onsdag, juli 07, 2004
Et interessant gratis blog med interessante features.
WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. What a mouthful.
mandag, juli 05, 2004
project-blog 2004 :: because we care: "Project Blog is here because we care and because we want to make a difference. On July 24th, bloggers from all around the world will be updating their own blog every 30 minutes for 24 solid hours all in the name of each blogger's favorite charity. "
torsdag, maj 27, 2004
By Allison Rossett, Felicia Douglis, and Rebecca V. Frazee
At a recent conference, a practitioner was overheard saying, "I can see why blending makes sense. But what do I put with what? We have a hundred instructors and e-learning modules. If I put them together, is that a blend? What is a blend and how do I make it work in an organization that prefers a quick fix?" Those questions and more are tackled here."
onsdag, maj 26, 2004
onsdag, maj 19, 2004
...is a tool I built to allow wireless Palm OS devices (like the VII, the new i705, or any Palm with a modem or other internet connection) to update any weblog that supports the Blogger API. (This includes any Blogger-maintained weblog, on any server, as well as Manila/Radio weblogs.) "
A modest proposal for using blogs to keep IT teams and management up-to-date on implementation."
fredag, maj 14, 2004
W3C Link Checker
På dette sted kan hurtigt man tjekke en URL for døde eller omdirrigerede link.
mandag, april 19, 2004
"This site is a weblog with automated trend tracking. The editorial content is produced using Movable Type. The automatic content is generated using a simple Python program (about 700 lines.) Memeufacture scans hundreds of websites of several different genres. It determines which links are most popular and which websites posted those links first. "
tirsdag, april 13, 2004
"blogLinker.com is a free tool to manage your web links on your blog/website and to dramatically increase traffic to your site. It can be embedded anywhere in your web page and can be easily configured to fit the existing design of your site. blogLinker is the only tool of its kind. "
Max (Zaeem Maqsood) - udvikleren af BlogLinker skriver i forbindelse med nyheden om, at Tucows har købt BlogRolling.com:
"Am I expecting a call anytime soon? Not really - my site has far fewer members than blogrolling. However, I do believe my service provides a touch more value to the consumer, with its built in reciprocal linking. And I have some developments in the pipeline that will really make my users happy."
"BlogMatcher is a program that helps people find weblogs that match their interests and find like-minded blogs. When given an URL to a weblog (called 'Reference Blog') the system finds other blogs that appear to discuss similar topics. "
Endnu et Blog-søgeredskab.
Kinja, the weblog guide: "About Kinja
Kinja is a weblog portal, collecting news and commentary from some of the best sites on the web. Visitors can browse items on topics, everything from food to sex. Or they can create a convenient personal digest, to track their favorite writers. "
Guardian Unlimited | Online | How to write a blog-buster: "How to write a blog-buster
Controversial call-girl diarist Belle de Jour might well be the most notorious example of a new literary trend: fiction written in blog form. Jim McClellan meets the online authors "
mandag, april 12, 2004
Testing BlogJet
I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here: http://blogjet.com
"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." -- Pablo Picasso
Som skrevet står er dette en test af BlogJets betaversion, som er gratis indtil d. 15. april. Umiddelbart ser den mindre avanceret ud end BlogThis. Der er f.eks. langt færre HTML Tags i menuen (dog er der adgang til den rå HTML kode).
Det er uhyre let at Uploade billeder, og der er også en simpel audio funktion.
En anden ret smart ting er, at man kan editere i gamle Blogtekster ved at hente dem ind (Wiew history) i BlogJet.
Af en eller anden årsag medtager den dog ikke overskriften - men det er jo en Beta version :)
fredag, april 09, 2004
Allerede indenfor ganske få sider fandt jeg en yderst interessant side, på TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01 kan få genereret et grafisk billede af en URLs linksystem. Jeg har mødt disse kortlægninger før, men nu er der altså et sted, hvor jeg kan få dem udført. Interessant!!!
We are a community-based, word-of-mouth approach to websurfing – pages you "stumble upon" come from like-minded people who share your interests. Add the Toolbar, choose some topics and click Stumble! You'll meet people who like your favorite sites as you discover the best of the web.
torsdag, april 08, 2004
Mobule.net - Get Connected with Serendipity and Synergy
Serendipity is an application for mobile phones that can instigate interactions between you and people you don't know, but probably should. All you have to do is create a Mobule profile containing the information you feel comfortable sharing with potential friends and colleagues. This profile, along with your mobile phone, immediately provide a connection to an exciting community of people around you whom you have yet to meet. Looking for a date? A new client? An expert? Or maybe just a good conversation... Let Serendipity help you turn the strangers around you into friends.
Det må i alt fald være et udtryk for et ønske om at ride med på dating.com'ernes succes....
tirsdag, april 06, 2004
Main Page
(part of Free Culture, a book/wiki experiment)
This site is a wiki for annotating and editing Larry Lessig's new book, Free Culture.
And sidebars can highlight related issues.
Editing can be done in several ways. [Corrections can be made directly to the text.]
søndag, april 04, 2004
Jesper Balslevs weblog - en af forfatterne til 'Start på weblogs' fra forlaget Libris.
lørdag, april 03, 2004
ChatCirkels er nu kommet i ver2 og fungerer igen.
Microsofts 3 Degrees må også undersøges.
Måske kunne det bruges i fjernundervisningen......
"All Consuming is a website that visits recently updated weblogs every hour, checking them for links to books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Sense, and other book sites. Every book on this site has a list of all the weblogs that have mentioned it, and every weblog that has mentioned books in the past also has a page here listing which books it has mentioned. If you have a weblog, search for it here to see if we've picked anything up from it yet."
Bøgerne nederst i højre spalte er kommet til Bloggen via All Consuming, og klikker man på dem kommer man direkte til.... Amazon dot com. Nifty tecknology!
"GeoURL is a location-to-URL reverse directory. This will allow you to find URLs by their proximity to a given location. Find your neighbor's blog, perhaps, or the web page of the restaurants near you."
Interessant er også kortene over bloggere (vælg higher-resolution maps - de er klikbare!). Kortene opdateres med 24 timers interval.
fredag, april 02, 2004
Shirky: Situated Software: "Part of the future I believe I'm seeing is a change in the software ecosystem which, for the moment, I'm calling situated software. This is software designed in and for a particular social situation or context. This way of making software is in contrast with what I'll call the Web School (the paradigm I learned to program in), where scalability, generality, and completeness were the key virtues. "
torsdag, april 01, 2004
Og så findes den oven i købet i en dansksproget version. Dog ikke en dansk stavekontrol - men den kommer måske engang :)
Under opsætningen fik jeg dog en fejlmelding, og supporten er ikke noget at råbe hurra for. Det lykkedes dog - med noget besvær, der er flere spørgsmål end svar i det forum - at finde løsningen i wbloggers User Forum
onsdag, marts 31, 2004
"This is a collection of outstanding blog designs, thoughts on what makes a good blog design, and will also be where I announce new blogs that I have designed. "
lørdag, marts 27, 2004
En søgning i Google på 'Trackback in Blogger' sendte mig via Remote Trackback Proof of Concept til HaloScan.
HaloScan tilbyder gratis kommentar felt og Trackback funktion. Der ligger også en Tutorial på siden.
Proceduren er lidt omstændelig, men HaloScan har planer om at automatisere funktion.....
Der er flere Googies på HaloScan, for eksempel forskellige CSS templates til kommentarfeltet. Husk at indstille tiden.
MovableType har en god Beginner's Guide to TrackBack og How TrackBack Works giver en grundig forklaring.
Prisen for TrackBack var, at jeg måtte så skille mig af med gode gamle Rebloggers kommentarfelt, som har tjent mig vel. Tak og farvel Reblogger :)
fredag, marts 26, 2004
mandag, marts 22, 2004
Build your network.
At LinkedIn, you make contact through the people you know and trust. So you start out by inviting your trusted friends and colleagues.
Each friend or colleague invites their trusted connections, and they invite theirs, and your network grows.
Find the people you need.
With just a few clicks, you can search the network you have built.
Find professionals to hire, who can give you a job, who can put you in contact with a company, who can provide expertise — whatever you need.
Make a trusted contact.
Once you find the ideal person to contact, you turn to those trusted connections.
The person you found is linked to you through one of your trusted friends or colleagues, through a short chain of referrals. Everyone is only a few “degrees” away.
tirsdag, marts 16, 2004
"Non-technical people sometimes need help with technical stuff.
Rather than hire someone or mooch off a friend, The Blog Exchange and Open Market are based on the idea of barterware, that is, an exchange of goods and services that are of value between two parties."
mandag, marts 08, 2004
Of those, only about 10 percent update them daily, the majority doing so only once a week or less often.......
......That survey found only 2 percent of users keeping blogs, although a preliminary analysis of follow-up surveys from early 2004 showed the figure increasing to about 7 percent.
About 11 percent of Internet users report visiting blogs written by others. Most often, they were for blogs written by friends. But blog readers are more likely to go to journals kept by strangers rather than by family members."
søndag, marts 07, 2004
In just a few more years, the current homogenized "voice" of business—the sound of mission statements and brochures—will seem as contrived and artificial as the language of the 18th century French court.
en interessant tese, når et af kravene til uddannelsesinstitutioners hjemmesider (gennemsigtighed og åbenhed) er at værdigrundlaget skal fremgå af institutionernes website...... Det bekræfter den tanke jeg har om, at det ikke er den webside, kommende studerende vil være mest interesseret i!
som Thesis 16 udtrykker det:
Already, companies that speak in the language of the pitch, the dog-and-pony show, are no longer speaking to anyone.
fredag, marts 05, 2004
Ikke nok med, at den læses meget kommentarerne er ofte på flere hundrede.
I går havde Information en interessant artikel om blogs som en moderne politisk debat: 'Blog-politik i den virtuelle landsby.'
Ja, ja... sammenlignet hermed er den plads CVU Sønderjyllands hjemmeside har som den 251.472. mest læste side i verden jo beskeden. Alligevel er vi da ret stolte.
Information hævder i dag, at der i dag er mere end 6 mia. poster, 4,28 mia. websider, 880 mia billeder, 845 mio. posteringer i Usenet-nyhedsgrupper og et stigende antal bog-relaterede sider i non webformat - i forhold til samme tidspunkt sidste år, er der tale om en fordobling!!!
tirsdag, marts 02, 2004
En Googlevariant, hvor man kan foretage flere søgning på een gang (en søgning pr linie). Søgningerne vises så som een side med et faneblad for hver søgning (linie).
Fra Kuro5hin.org: February 25, 2004 (The Internet): Wikipedia (Wikipedia.org), a volunteer-created, multi-language encyclopedia, announced today that the project has reached a milestone of 500,000 articles, spread across 50 different languages.
mandag, marts 01, 2004
Med BlogRolling er det nu muligt at indeksere, vise og vedligeholde links på Bloggen uden at skulle omkring templaten. Fra Blogrolling.com har jeg hentet et script samt installeret en bookmarklet, et lille program, som jeg - med 'drag and drop' - har lagt i browserens 'Favoritlink' (se ill.)
Klik på 'Blogroll it!', på den aktuelle side, udfyld 2 linier i et PopUp vindue og Voila! så er linket på bloggen. En rigtig smart og tidsbesparende funktion.
Blogrolling er gratis, men ved at købe en Gold version for ca. 20 $ (kun muligt via PayPall) har jeg fået mulighed for at indeksere mine links. I gratisversionen får man kun én blogroll, men Goldversionen giver ret til 10 - dog ikke nødvendigvis på én og samme Blog
fredag, februar 27, 2004
(Definition: pure luck in discovering things you were not looking for)
På jagt efter noget andet, fandt jeg Blog sangen. Jeg havde hørt om den og været på jagt efter den længe, men her er den så, på Fairvue - både lydfil og tekst.
tirsdag, februar 24, 2004
Social software is likely to come to mean the opposite of what groupware and other project- or organization-oriented collaboration tools were intended to be. Social software is based on supporting the desire of individuals to affiliate, their desire to be pulled into groups to achieve their personal goals. Contrast that with the groupware approach to things where people are placed into groups defined organizationally or functionally. "
søndag, november 23, 2003
Pigeliv: Pigernes virtuelle verden
Jyllands-Posten 16 november 2002
Netdagbøger: Weblogs til Folket
Politiken 7 juni 2001
Interview: Malthe Sigurdsson
(Her er jeg, her er min weblog)
Jyllands-Posten 11 juni 2002, side 5
Søgetips: Weblogs for alle
Politiken 17 august 2002
Internetdagbøger: Kære maskine
Information 31 august 2002
IT: Weblogs: Dagbog på nettet
Jyllands-Posten 10 december 2002
Findes alle i SkoDa/emu Avisdatabasen (søg på Weblog)
Kommende BlokTalk konference 2.0, Wien 5. og 6 juli 2004
BlogTalk konferencen, Wien 23. og 24. maj 2003
Papers fra konferencen
BlogTalk people
Joho the Blog (Blogs fra konferencen)
Blogtalk blogging (links til konferenceblogs)
Fotos fra konferencen 1
Fotos fra konferencen 2
Paolo's weblog (Fotos)
Relaterede blogs
Blogs: the stickiness factor - story
Channel 'blogtalk_conference'BlogTalk: Let's Talk
David Davies' Weblog
blogTalk aftershocks
Brainstorms & Raves
Jose Luis Orihuela: Blogging and the eCommunication Paradigms:
10 principles of the new media scenario
Paolo's weblog
My Persian weblog
Dan Gillmor
BlogTalk: Selected Quotes
mandag, maj 05, 2003
som kunne være relevante i undervisning:
Fiber Art Bloggers
Knitting Bloggers Webring
Homeless Blogs Webring
søndag, april 20, 2003
BlogTree.com projektet er et eksempel på de mange forsøg der er på community building. Her i form af blog genealogi:
BlogTree.com is a web site that maintains a database of blog relationships and allows you to browse blogs' pedigree. You can register your blog(s) and note which blogs inspired them (their parents). You can then notify the parent blog's author, as well as authors of any blogs that you think your blog inspired, about BlogTree.com and encourage them to register their blogs and note their parent blogs. As more and more blog authors participate, unrelated families of blogs will find common ancestors or descendants.
Her kan man til gengæld få de 'ægte' danske sorteret fra...
Se også Blogstreet
onsdag, april 02, 2003
Sjovt nok fandt jeg tilbage til 'Bredgade 40' bloggen, da jeg undersøgte, hvem der hoster Picosearch (Gotzeblogge)- sådan går blogs sommetider i ring...
John Gøtze's OPML Directory Browser er temmelig interessant med mange link. F.eks. til en blog med blog terminology med sjove begreber som:
1. noun. One who reads many blogs but leaves no evidence of themselves such as comments behind; a silent observer of blogs.
2. noun. One who reads many blogs but has no blog of their own; a blog-watcher or blog voyeur.
Usage: "But, Mikey, I can't have a blog of my own! I'm a blurker!"
1. noun. To be unable to think of anything to blog about, i.e. writer's block for bloggers.
2. noun. To be unable to post an article on your blog because blogger.com is down yet again.
(meaning 2. coined by Jim Treacher)
Jim Treacher har en lignende, dog langt mindre omfattende blog.....
Interessant er også GeoURL ICBM Address Server en 'geografisk Google, hvor man kan søge (eller tilmelde sig) og via URL'en finde geografisk nære blogs. Copenhagen (154 blogs): sites near 55.68, 12.587, and within 500 miles - dette skal tages helt bogstaveligt, Hamborg ligger som bekendt jo 132 miles vest for Copenhagen, Gøteborg 141 miles nordpå, Utrecht ligger 419 miles SW og 492 miles SE er bloggen på polsk - så geografisk nærhed er en international størrelse i denne sammenhæng :)
Via 'John Gøtze's OPML Directory Browser' fandt jeg også en glimrende artikel af Scot Hacker om valg af blog type til undervisning. Perfekt med kravspecifikation og vurdering. Choosing a Blogging Package for Students
søndag, marts 23, 2003
Tilbud om påmindelse pr. SMS.
Roskilde Bibliotek har indført en service, hvor vi tilbyder at sende en SMS - 3 dage før afleveringsfristen på materialet udløber. Det er allerede et hit. I løbet af den første uge servicen var tilgængelig i basen, havde over 100 personer tilmeldt sig. På det tidspunkt havde vi ikke lavet noget som helst PR endnu.
onsdag, marts 19, 2003
Faldt over Dullernes Univers - et interessant (pige)projekt med Guides til hjemmesidedesign og relaterede emner. Hjemmesiderne anbefales oprettet (gratis) på Geocities.yahoo.com - også det er der en simplet Guide til.
Fra siden kan programmet Gimp downloades (gratis) - det ser interessant ud. Tjek også lige Blinkie-guiden ud :))
Fra Dullernes Univers er der links til enorme mængder af hjemmesider - som de dog kan....
14 årige Gulje
13 årige Janne
torsdag, marts 13, 2003
Her er linket, hvis I andre kan have gavn af det. Der ligger ikke så meget endnu, men det kommer.... Jeg forestiller mig, at det vil være rart at 'have ved hånden', når vi går i gang med ungerne.
Og så opdagede jeg - via Servustats - at denne blog nu er med i en oversigt/portal: Danish Blogs på GotzeLinked gad vide, hvordan den er kommet dertil?