mandag, april 12, 2004

Testing BlogJet

Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here:

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." -- Pablo Picasso

Som skrevet står er dette en test af BlogJets betaversion, som er gratis indtil d. 15. april. Umiddelbart ser den mindre avanceret ud end BlogThis. Der er f.eks. langt færre HTML Tags i menuen (dog er der adgang til den rå HTML kode).
Det er uhyre let at Uploade billeder, og der er også en simpel audio funktion.

En anden ret smart ting er, at man kan editere i gamle Blogtekster ved at hente dem ind (Wiew history) i BlogJet.
Af en eller anden årsag medtager den dog ikke overskriften - men det er jo en Beta version :)

fredag, april 09, 2004

TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01
Allerede indenfor ganske få sider fandt jeg en yderst interessant side, på TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01 kan få genereret et grafisk billede af en URLs linksystem. Jeg har mødt disse kortlægninger før, men nu er der altså et sted, hvor jeg kan få dem udført. Interessant!!!
Stumble Upon toolbar: The cool web site finder
We are a community-based, word-of-mouth approach to websurfing – pages you "stumble upon" come from like-minded people who share your interests. Add the Toolbar, choose some topics and click Stumble! You'll meet people who like your favorite sites as you discover the best of the web.

torsdag, april 08, 2004

Links til div. Blogstatistik: Blogging is Booming
iSociety mener MITs nyeste tilbud: Serendip-IT må være et udtryk for ironi: - Get Connected with Serendipity and Synergy
Serendipity is an application for mobile phones that can instigate interactions between you and people you don't know, but probably should. All you have to do is create a Mobule profile containing the information you feel comfortable sharing with potential friends and colleagues. This profile, along with your mobile phone, immediately provide a connection to an exciting community of people around you whom you have yet to meet. Looking for a date? A new client? An expert? Or maybe just a good conversation... Let Serendipity help you turn the strangers around you into friends.
Det må i alt fald være et udtryk for et ønske om at ride med på'ernes succes....

tirsdag, april 06, 2004

Vidste ikke at servere kan være nedtrykte - men blev klogere på denne Fejl 404-side File not found
Main Page - FreeCulture
Main Page
(part of Free Culture, a book/wiki experiment)

This site is a wiki for annotating and editing Larry Lessig's new book, Free Culture.

And sidebars can highlight related issues.
Editing can be done in several ways. [Corrections can be made directly to the text.]

søndag, april 04, 2004 - Don't try this at home
Jesper Balslevs weblog - en af forfatterne til 'Start på weblogs' fra forlaget Libris.

lørdag, april 03, 2004

ChatCirkels er nu kommet i ver2 og fungerer igen.

Microsofts 3 Degrees må også undersøges.

Måske kunne det bruges i fjernundervisningen......
All Consuming
"All Consuming is a website that visits recently updated weblogs every hour, checking them for links to books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Sense, and other book sites. Every book on this site has a list of all the weblogs that have mentioned it, and every weblog that has mentioned books in the past also has a page here listing which books it has mentioned. If you have a weblog, search for it here to see if we've picked anything up from it yet."

Bøgerne nederst i højre spalte er kommet til Bloggen via All Consuming, og klikker man på dem kommer man direkte til.... Amazon dot com. Nifty tecknology!
GeoURL ICBM Address Server
"GeoURL is a location-to-URL reverse directory. This will allow you to find URLs by their proximity to a given location. Find your neighbor's blog, perhaps, or the web page of the restaurants near you."

Interessant er også kortene over bloggere (vælg higher-resolution maps - de er klikbare!). Kortene opdateres med 24 timers interval.

fredag, april 02, 2004

Spændende begreb: Situated Software:
Shirky: Situated Software: "Part of the future I believe I'm seeing is a change in the software ecosystem which, for the moment, I'm calling situated software. This is software designed in and for a particular social situation or context. This way of making software is in contrast with what I'll call the Web School (the paradigm I learned to program in), where scalability, generality, and completeness were the key virtues. "

torsdag, april 01, 2004

Redigeringsredskabet wblogger kan jeg næppe anbefale nok. I denne editor kan alle lave mange af de formateringer, der før kun var mulige i templaten, og som derfor krævede kendskab til HTML.
Og så findes den oven i købet i en dansksproget version. Dog ikke en dansk stavekontrol - men den kommer måske engang :)

Under opsætningen fik jeg dog en fejlmelding, og supporten er ikke noget at råbe hurra for. Det lykkedes dog - med noget besvær, der er flere spørgsmål end svar i det forum - at finde løsningen i wbloggers User Forum

onsdag, marts 31, 2004

cre8d journal: Blog Design Showcase Archives:
"This is a collection of outstanding blog designs, thoughts on what makes a good blog design, and will also be where I announce new blogs that I have designed. "

lørdag, marts 27, 2004

I dag hørte jeg, at det nu er det muligt at lave Trackback i Blogger. Cool!
En søgning i Google på 'Trackback in Blogger' sendte mig via Remote Trackback Proof of Concept til HaloScan.

HaloScan tilbyder gratis kommentar felt og Trackback funktion. Der ligger også en Tutorial på siden.
Proceduren er lidt omstændelig, men HaloScan har planer om at automatisere funktion.....

Der er flere Googies på HaloScan, for eksempel forskellige CSS templates til kommentarfeltet. Husk at indstille tiden.

MovableType har en god Beginner's Guide to TrackBack og How TrackBack Works giver en grundig forklaring.

Prisen for TrackBack var, at jeg måtte så skille mig af med gode gamle Rebloggers kommentarfelt, som har tjent mig vel. Tak og farvel Reblogger :)

fredag, marts 26, 2004

Så lykkedes det mig endelig at få lavet en RSS feed. Med stædighed og .ftp adgang kommer man langt!

mandag, marts 22, 2004

LinkedIn: LinkedIn in Three Steps
Build your network.
At LinkedIn, you make contact through the people you know and trust. So you start out by inviting your trusted friends and colleagues.

Each friend or colleague invites their trusted connections, and they invite theirs, and your network grows.

Find the people you need.
With just a few clicks, you can search the network you have built.

Find professionals to hire, who can give you a job, who can put you in contact with a company, who can provide expertise — whatever you need.

Make a trusted contact.
Once you find the ideal person to contact, you turn to those trusted connections.

The person you found is linked to you through one of your trusted friends or colleagues, through a short chain of referrals. Everyone is only a few “degrees” away.

tirsdag, marts 16, 2004

BlogBarter! Barterware for you today!!:
"Non-technical people sometimes need help with technical stuff.
Rather than hire someone or mooch off a friend, The Blog Exchange and Open Market are based on the idea of barterware, that is, an exchange of goods and services that are of value between two parties."

mandag, marts 08, 2004

AP Wire | 02/29/2004 | Study: Blogging Still Infrequent: "The Pew Internet and American Life Project, in a study released Sunday, found that somewhere between 2 percent and 7 percent of adult Internet users in the United States actually keep their own blogs.
Of those, only about 10 percent update them daily, the majority doing so only once a week or less often.......

......That survey found only 2 percent of users keeping blogs, although a preliminary analysis of follow-up surveys from early 2004 showed the figure increasing to about 7 percent.

About 11 percent of Internet users report visiting blogs written by others. Most often, they were for blogs written by friends. But blog readers are more likely to go to journals kept by strangers rather than by family members."

søndag, marts 07, 2004

Thesis nr. 15 i The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual lyder:

In just a few more years, the current homogenized "voice" of business—the sound of mission statements and brochures—will seem as contrived and artificial as the language of the 18th century French court.

en interessant tese, når et af kravene til uddannelsesinstitutioners hjemmesider (gennemsigtighed og åbenhed) er at værdigrundlaget skal fremgå af institutionernes website...... Det bekræfter den tanke jeg har om, at det ikke er den webside, kommende studerende vil være mest interesseret i!
som Thesis 16 udtrykker det:
Already, companies that speak in the language of the pitch, the dog-and-pony show, are no longer speaking to anyone.