Brenda Sanders asked me for some information to add to her blog when she's ready to post my quilt on her blog (DaisyQuiltsForYou). She's interested in "the quilt makers journey when making the quilt and her quilting story." It's exactly what I like to read in other quilters blogs, so what could I do, but promise to deliver. So here I am, working my way down memory lane.
To write about the "CoutchPeanut" quilt is quite easy. I started this English part of my blog writing about that when I brought it back to live in February this year. The posts from February 23rd to April 28th are all about my thoughts and choices around that quilt. So that part is already done, but to write a long quilt life down in a short text seems like a mission impossible.
To write about the "CoutchPeanut" quilt is quite easy. I started this English part of my blog writing about that when I brought it back to live in February this year. The posts from February 23rd to April 28th are all about my thoughts and choices around that quilt. So that part is already done, but to write a long quilt life down in a short text seems like a mission impossible.
The hardest thing is to try to gather hundreds if not thousands of memories into one consistent narrative. Maybe a list is a way to start?
- How it all started: The course "Women's pictures. Sew, weave and crochet your life". 1985-1987
New couse in 1987- 1992: Quilting, a Mental Health Craft.
My first quilt (and how it later was saved - and still not finished)
Course taught by Lis Ahrenkiel (my Hawaii quilt - which is finished)
Publikums prisen 1988: The Fat Grey (quote: Charlotte Yde, who I admire immensely. Both as a teacher and as an artist) - Techniq skills and the social aspect was the most important aspects
More UFO's than finished quilts - Nordborg gruppen:
Teaching (material)
Danmarkstæppet, Nordisk Quilte Træf , Oslo 1994 (article in Kludemagasinet 2010/2, by Lisbeth Borggren: "Focus på Danmark)
Editing Kludemagasinet (Grete Lindgaard, Bitten Carl and me)
Nordborg træffet (block bingo)
Quilt for Town Hall, Nordborg kommune
Weekends in summer cottages - QuiltCon's (foreign teachers: Michael James, Jinny Beier (signed book), Mary Coyne Penders, Dorle Stern-Straeter, .....)
- Lectures with Charlotte Yde: Tradition og fornyelse. (slide show with traditional quilts and modern quilts)
- Photo collection
- Books