onsdag, februar 09, 2005

Google blogger has left the building | CNET News.com: "Mark Jen, a blogger whose candid comments about life on the job at Google sparked controversy last month, has left the company."

lørdag, februar 05, 2005

International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC)
Inderscience Publishers Ltd.
Blogs anvendt i undervisning:
the chutry experiment, Blog Talk med links til en mængde konkrete eksempler:
Rhetoric and Democracy : Blog Talk: I'm Already Running Out of Good Titles
Writing to the Moment
English 1102 Course Blog
GT North Korea
World Police
the chutry experiment: Blog Talk
Interessant materiale om Blogs i undervisning. Se specielt linket nederst: graduate student seminar paper
Det er f.eks. tankevækkende at læse:
At this point in time, I was a business major uninterested in reading and writing, much less in critical thinking or exploration within the humanities. I simply wanted a college degree so that I could begin working full-time. Blogging changed all of this.
og fortsættelsen er ikke mindre interessant......

tirsdag, februar 01, 2005

mandag, januar 31, 2005

Fra Mena's Corner:
Mena's Corner: Six Apart Redesign Coming: "Six Apart Redesign Coming

Later this week, we'll be unveiling a new redesign of the various Six Apart websites (Movable Type, TypePad and Six Apart corporate site). Hopefully, the changes that have been made will convey our desire to present all of Six Apart's websites in a cohesive and standard way. We've worked with the folks at Mule Design to make this redesign possible and, I think, you'll be happy with the results."

søndag, januar 30, 2005

Ja, det er ganske svært at formidle, hvad Blogs er:
Response to "Mommy (and Me)" | CultureCat: "Response to 'Mommy (and Me)'

Via Prof. B., I see that the New York Times story on parents' weblogs has been published. I'm dismayed but not all that surprised with what's in there, and I'll tell you why."

fredag, januar 28, 2005

It's Bloggie Nomination time again..... The Bloggies™ 2005
Den femte brugerafstemning om The Bloggies™ Weblog Award
Se også Bloggie, bloggie, bloggie, bloggie etc.
Tom Coates (Plasticbag.org) beretter om glæden ved (igen) at være nomineret og anbefaler en antal blogs fra forskellige kategorier.
tony pierce, busblog: How to blog skal have min stemme for Best Article or Essay About Weblogs!

onsdag, januar 26, 2005

World Economic Forum i Davos har blogs på programmet
World Economic Forum - Welcome to the Blogopolis
By providing highly personalized, real-time political information, blogging is reshaping how citizens make political decisions, for good and ill. 1) When do bloggers provide better information and analysis than conventional media? 2) Are bloggers effective media watchdogs? 3) Can bloggers be a positive political tool, and not just a threat to the powers that be? 4) What is the relationship between bloggers and democratic values?
10 Places of My City - Chinese Blogging social movement | Kevin Wen's Web
Et blogprojekt som ved hjælp af Technorati's tag system opbygger et socialt system, hvor bloggeres fortællinger om 10 geografiske steder, de selv vælger, knyttes sammen.
Fantastisk inspiration til sociale blog-projekter. Jeg får øjeblikkeligt ideer til adskillige, som kunne være interessante i undervisningssamenhæng.......

mandag, januar 24, 2005

torsdag, januar 20, 2005

Indisk blog: Youth Curry - Insight on Indian Youth
Videointerview med Salam Pax
Baghdad Bloggen af Salam Pax
Fortune (January 2005) features 10 tech trends to watch in 2005. Trend No.1: Why you can't ignore bloggers: Why There's No Escaping the Blog (via Smart Mobs).
Like It or Not, Blogs Have Legs Wired News.
Ifølge PubSub er der nu 8 mill. blogs

onsdag, januar 19, 2005

tirsdag, januar 18, 2005

Klastrup's Cataclysms forudser at valget vil få blogging til at blomstre i DK.
Et gæt på Yahoo's modtræk til Googles opkøb af Blogger:
The Internet Stock Blog: Yahoo to acquire Six Apart?: "Yahoo to acquire Six Apart?

Six Apart, the owner of hosted blogging service TypePad and publisher of blogging software Movable Type, just acquired LiveJournal. Within six months Six Apart itself will be acquired by Yahoo!."

The blogospere vil nok hoppe i stolen over artiklens begrundelse for gættet:
"Because the blogging platforms are the largest generators of new Web content, they are a natural target for the providers of PPC ads. Many bloggers dislike the notion of advertising on blogs, but they're in for a shock. Blogger, TypePad, LiveJournal and the other blogging platforms will make it much easier for Web publishers to profit from ads. They'll build contextual ads into Web site templates, and use the publishers' sign-up information to open simultaneous advertising accounts."

lørdag, januar 15, 2005

9:12 am virker LiveJournal stadig ikke....... Status Rapport
Se også SixApart