mandag, november 29, 2004

mandag, november 15, 2004

Microsofts projekt Wallop:
Social Computing Group Home: "Overview
Our mission in the Social Computing Group is to research and develop software that contributes to compelling and effective social interactions, with a focus on user-centered design processes and rapid prototyping.
Our work includes the Sapphire project, sharing, mobile applications, trust and reputation, collaboration, and story telling. To facilitate the rapid prototyping, we also have an online lab for running studies to evaluate our social user interfaces. "

fredag, november 12, 2004

Blogs (or Jurnal Writing
WritingBlogs is intended to be a creative community for students in college-level writing classes and writing instructors - materiale til de studerende om Blogs/logbøger.
Wired News: Bloggers Suffer Burnout: "In the days following the U.S. invasion of Iraq last year, a new blog called Whiskey Bar quickly became a popular online destination for opponents of the war. The site's author, who ran the site as a virtual bar with himself as the bartender, encouraged visitors to share their views on the topic at hand. "

onsdag, oktober 27, 2004

BBC NEWS | Technology | Games 'deserve a place in class': "Computer games could enhance learning and have a legitimate place in the classroom, say researchers."
BBC NEWS | Technology | Blogger grounded by her airline: "A US airline attendant is fighting for her job after she was suspended over postings on her blog, or online diary. "

torsdag, oktober 21, 2004

Blogger Forum
Tag på kursus i design af Blogs - San Fracisco 8.11.04
adaptive path ' san francisco ' redesigning blogger: "Join us in San Francisco for this brand new one-day workshop where we'll teach you how to keep your design focused through growth and redesign, how to approach a major redesign project, and much more!"

torsdag, oktober 14, 2004

joppLOGG 2.0: 'Collaborations in Electronic Writing': "'Collaborations in Electronic Writing'
I've just come back to the office after a truly inspiring talk given by Scott Rettberg. He presented some of his innovative e-literature projects, among them the hypertext narrative The Unkown and the serial email novel Kind of Blue. Experimentation, collaboration and the joy and enthusiasm of writing are prominent traits of his works. "
Indlæg i GameBlog, Carsten

mandag, oktober 11, 2004

Berlingske Tidende: "Blogs og kritisk journalistik

Af Af Jesper Lau Hansen Professor, dr.jur., Det juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
En blogger er en person, der fører en web log - en side på internettet med kommentarer, som alle kan se. Blogs kan handle om alt, og mange har karakter af nyhedsdækning ofte med en klar politisk vinkel. I nogle tilfælde er deres dækning mere kildekritisk og alsidig end de traditionelle mediers."
Fra Berlingske Tidende lørdag den 25. september 2004

fredag, oktober 01, 2004

fredag, september 24, 2004

Kære Niels
Jeg mente ikke, at folk skulle sende emails - til dig/alle altså....

Det, jeg efterlyste, var en funktion i det vidensdelingssytem Kodefabrikken har lavet, der gør det muligt at sende emails fra eget postsystem til vidensdelingssystemet.
Dette indlæg har jeg f.eks. skrevet i et postprogram (Inotes). Derefter har jeg sendt det til min blog (den side, du nu sidder og ser på).

Fordelen er, at 'brugeren' anvender kendt teknologi (email), i stedet for at skulle have logins osv. til et nyt system. Forskellen fra mailen er, at indlæg er 'sorteret' idet den ligger på hjemmesiden i stedet for at rode rundt i deltagernes postsystemer.

Smart ikke?

Kærlig hilsen Lis

lørdag, september 11, 2004

Into the Blogosphere: "This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others. We encourage you to post your responses to the essays"

fredag, september 10, 2004

Blogger Knowledge
Just ask Lynne Truss, the author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. A self-described stickler for punctuation, she despairs at the misplaced apostrophe, the erroneous colon, the dangling comma — all of which are far too commonplace on the internet, where the motto seems to be: Faster, Blogger! Kill! Kill! Kill!

lørdag, juli 17, 2004

Blogger Knowledge
From the email Newsletter:
If you haven't checked out the latest Blogger Knowledge articles, you really should have a look-see. It's not just how-to stuff. We have articles about dating, sports, hacking, and even one called "The Wisdom of Blogs." They're not all written by me in case your wondering (or in case you think I am a stupid dork-face). There are articles by Jennifer Garrett, Rebecca Blood, Graham Waldon, Eric Case, and yes, yours truly: stupid dork-face.

søndag, juli 11, 2004

Into the Blogosphere
This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others.

onsdag, juli 07, 2004

Et interessant gratis blog med interessante features.
WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. What a mouthful.

mandag, juli 05, 2004

Blogathon springer 2004 over. Se i stedet:
project-blog 2004 :: because we care: "Project Blog is here because we care and because we want to make a difference. On July 24th, bloggers from all around the world will be updating their own blog every 30 minutes for 24 solid hours all in the name of each blogger's favorite charity. "
Globe of Blogs ::: Weblog Tools
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